Tuesday, September 8, 2009

PIECES of you

Life is fragile, and all to short. Minutes to days, to weeks to years and next thing we know a lifetime has passed. I believe that we take, and leave pieces of ourselves as we go. With the passing of my Grandma Allred I feel the piece of my heart temporarily ripped put. But not gone. The piece that was owned by my Grandma will soon be returned after the pain of her leaving this mortal realm, is replaced by the sweet assurance, of the fact she is still here in so many ways . She is here in the songs that she sang to me as a child. "How much is that doggy in the window." "Give said the little stream." And countless others. She is here when I hold one of my "dears" close to me before bed time. She is here when I see beautiful long brown hair with just a tint of red shimmer in the sun. She is here when I feel the sweet spirit whisper peace to my soul. Her love was and is the pure kind of love. Her love soothed the crying child and comforted the sick. She is here when I ponder faith. She did not just have faith she was faith. her faith packed power. Her faith in the Savior reached beyond the norm and touched true knowledge. She did not just believe in, she knew Christ and he in return knows her. How sweet a Reunion it was this morning when at long last she found herself in his loving embrace again. She did not need to feel the marks on his hands and feet, or the wound on his side. She already knew they were there and what he had done for her, and all of us. She showed us all every day that she knew, in the way she lived her life. Thank you Grandma for being a huge piece of my life. In the cake of my life you are one of the sweetest pieces.


  1. what a sweet, sweet tribute jonny. i am so sorry. thinking of you!

  2. thanks, jonnie. i feel comforted hearing what you and matt have to say. i love you.
