Monday, August 31, 2009

Dreams do come true.

As a father you want your child to succeed. I am proud of all my children but right now my heart is doing flip flops of joy. My boy loves, drum roll please, football! That's right folks at the tender age of ten months he has got talent. He has great hands and can already roll out of the pocket. He will eventually have several large colleges looking at him but I suggest bronco offer first. I am pretty sure with some work we can teach him to write his name in time to sign the letter of intent. Sure you are all saying, " there is old Jon smoking the wacky weed again." To this I say no, (but I did eat some brownies yesterday). I am not one of those parents. He will start school on time. And he will defy his genetic makeup and be 6'4" 240, all muscle. I am so proud. I suggest you pre order your season tickets now. And he will maybe he will mention you in his Heisman acceptance speech.


  1. dearest porter,
    run while you still have the chance.
    aunt rie.

  2. yo jonny, whats up! good to hear from you. that triped me out to get a comment from you! hope all is well would love to get together with you lowe and levit we can reminisce the old days. you a bishop yet?
    later, Brian camberlango
