Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rise and Shout

Yes folks the season is upon us. I am so ready and I like to think that my wife and children are ready for it as well. I know Addy is this afternoon she sat on my lap looked up excitedly and said B! I just looked at her and she informed me that after she says B. I am required to say Y! We then finished this great cheer with a loud cheerful COUGARS!!! I am so proud of my children, spiritual pure of heart giants of men. I could not help but sing a verse from Saturdays Warrior with a tear of joy in my eye "Who are these children coming down." I am sure most of you would see and understand my pride. My little girl all grown up and learning the difference between a 3-4 and a 4-3 defense. She even knows that on third and one with a great running back and a huge line you don't throw you run. Or maybe she has heard me yell it every fall of her short life and now she just knows its like second nature.
All is right with the BYU season at this point we are undefeated. It is happiness all around. I even noticed a little crispness in the air. that cool breeze on a hot day that teases you into believing that fall is near.


  1. go cougars. ryan is just as crazy as you are!

  2. Oh Jon, you know how to tug at my heart strings! GO COUGARS!!!!

  3. dear jon,
    your punctuation was above par -- i would go so far as to say, exceptional.
    your spelling was nigh unto perfection.
    i don't give a lilly livered poop about the cougars.
    but they are glad you do.
