Saturday, March 28, 2009

A funny time of year.

I think this time of year is a bit of a lull. True my wife has her b day on the 8th and that will be great. And it is spring and life is in full bloom so that is just super duper. But as far as things that I am interested in its a little slow. I am patiently waiting for the hunting draws to come out so I can be dissapointed that i did not draw. This is a yearly ritual dreaming of giant bucks and perfect shots and then getting the dreaded unsuccesfull email. And going through the next few days in a mope knowing that you will never draw. Do I sound bitter I will admit that I am. One day I will draw that coveted tag and it will be my turn. Probably the year my wife is pregnant due on the opening day of said coveted hunt. The hunting gods will do this to me I know it. Football is dead right now sure there is little tidbits of spring football and schedules coming out but this does not sooth the wounds of last years losses. I need BYU to sweep the whole season killing every opponent by 50 points and killing Utah by a stunning 1,000,000 points. Sure this sounds impossible but while I am high on crack cocaine I might as well dream big. The saddest part is these dillusions only get worse the closer the season gets its kind of a disease. And somebodies got a fever!
There is always a upside to everything I have a great family and they put up with this disease but my wife has been putting a lot of things in my drinks and telling me to take my "VITAMINS" every day. So maybe she has found the cure, I sure hope not.

1 comment:

  1. Come on brother make that 2,000,000 points and four Utah ICU visits! That would be a blessed day.
