Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sometimes !@#$ really does stink.

Yes today was one of those special days when a person wakes up smells the fresh clean air and says "Gee I really hope I run into a sewar problem today." Yes folks today was my lucky day at work. For several weeks a camp host at work has complained about his sewar drain being clogged and we finnally were able to get the sewar snake today and went to tackle the problem. Well about five feet down the snake stopped and wouldn't go any farther so we got a rod and just could not unjam the pipe. So we had to dig it out by hand of course and there was special stuff in this pipe because there would have to be or it just would not be fun. About halfway down we noticed how loose the pipe was and thought oh great its broke so we kept on digging finnaly after playing in the fun stuff for about two hours we hit bottom and discovered !!!! oh the excitment is killing you isn't it. We found out he had been pumping his stuff down the water shut off valve pipe not the sewar the actuals sewar was located five feet away clean and clear completly free of plugs. Yes folks we had been misled but we learned a valuable lesson . No wait we really did'nt but it is funy now. When I was in the recently dug hole I really had to search for the humor. But I didn't want to search to hard due to the location of said humor.


  1. hahaha. still giggling.
    haha. the poop solver!

  2. I thought I had a crappy day, But yours takes the cake! Sorry Babe!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Haha I cant decide whats funnier, you playing in crap all day, or Marie typing the word poop!
